Minors (Currency pairs)

Currency pairs are the quotation of one currency against another, representing the value of one currency in terms of another. In the foreign exchange (Forex) market, currencies are traded in pairs, with each pair consisting of two currencies: the base currency and quote currency.

Currency pairs represent a dynamic trading opportunity within the Forex market. In our company we are committed to assisting traders navigate the landscape, providing strategies designed to enhance returns as well as managing risks effectively.

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Chart Description
AUD/NZD Australian Dollar / New Zealand Dollar
AUD/CAD Australian Dollar / Canadian Dollar
CAD/CHF Canadian Dollar / Swiss Franc
CAD/JPY Canadian Dollar / Japanese Yen
No USD Involvement

Minor pairs do not include the US Dollar (USD). Instead, they consist of two other major currencies, such as EUR, GBP, JPY, AUD, or CHF.

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Lower Liquidity Compared to Majors

Minors have less trading volume than major currency pairs (like EUR/USD or USD/JPY), leading to wider spreads and potentially less price stability.

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Higher Volatility

Due to lower liquidity, minor pairs often experience higher price swings and more unpredictable movements compared to major pairs.

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Influenced by Regional Factors

Minors are more affected by local economic events, geopolitical issues, and central bank policies of the respective countries rather than global trends.

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Higher Trading Costs (Wider Spreads)

The bid-ask spreads are wider, meaning traders face higher transaction costs compared to major pairs, making them less attractive for high-frequency traders.

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